Tuesday, 6 June 2017


The Partners for Healthier Communities Committee: North Cariboo is excited to announce that Phase 2 of the Empowering Family Health Project is well underway.

On April 22, 2017,  Growing North Cariboo Society under this project was the primary funder of Seedy Saturday 2017.  The event was a one day event hosted by the Seedy Saturday Committee and it was very successful.  Over 500 people attended this event.  The event is well described in the letter that can be read here.  The P$HC:NC was pleased to be able to support this important community based event.

Please click here to read the News Release about Phase 2 that was issued on March 14, 2017.

1 comment:

  1. Nice post! Thans for sharing the update about the event. It has been very interesting and useful project that will give empowerment to the poorer families and improve their health and living.
