One of the activities being supported under the "Empowering Family Health" project is the establishment of "Country Clubs" throughout the North Cariboo. The intent of these clubs is to provide an opportunity for families and other community members to come together and participate in activities which are focused on growing and preparing food and agricultural practices, learning, being active, and having fun. Each club will have their own focus and /or flavour.
The Bouchie Lake Country Club (formerly Bouchie Lake Country Kids Club) was the first club to be established. It met for the first time at the Bouchie Lake Country Store on Sunday, June 5th for a "Seed Planting Day - Growing for the Harvest Festival". Pallet signs were painted, seeds planted and some plants transplanted. The club has since met 2 times more - a farrier demonstration with local farrier, Casey Whittit and a Farm Tour at Moose Meadows Farm. Our next event is Critter Dipping with Baker Creek Enhancement Society on Milburn Lake on July 22, 2016. Families, adults, seniors and, in fact, everyone is invited to get involved.
Please check out the Event Listing on Facebook under the "Bouchie Lake Kids Club" Facebook page for additional information. A calendar of events is posted below.

Please note:
1. Parental involvement is mandatory. All children in attendance must be accompanied by an adult and be supervised at all times.
2. Please bring a snack and drink for your child(ren).
3. The success of the Bouchie Lake Country Kids Club is based upon parental involvement and support.
Activity Ideas
May 29th, 2016 - click here.
Sponsors / Supporters
Thank you to our following sponsors / partners:
Bouchie Lake Country Store - venue, soil, seeds
Moose Meadows Farm - planting pots, seed trays, paint; farm tour
Leslie Abbott-Holland - planting pots
Patricia Williamson - seed trays, pots
Sandy and Brent Oxenbury - paint, paint brushes
David Dillabough - seed trays
Coby, Amanda and Reece Mero - water tank
Shawna Spencer - horseshoes
Casey Whittet (farrier)
Baker Creek Enhancement Society
TL Designs
Subject to Change
Week of
Date / Time
May 29 - June 4
May 29 / 1 pm
Bouchie Lake Country Store
Heloise / Lauren
June 5 - Jun 11
June 12 - June 18
June 19 - June 25
June 25 / 10 am
Farrier Demonstration / Horse shoes
Bouchie Lake Country Store
June 26 - July 2
July 3 - July 9
July 7 / 11 am
Farm Tour / Picnic
Moose Meadows Farm
Heloise / 250.249.5329
July 10 - July 16
July 17 - July 23
July 22 / 10 am
Critter Dipping & Shoreline Awareness with Amanda at Baker Creek Enhancement
Milburn Lake Boat Launch
Jennifer / 250.991.8949
July 24 - July 30
July 31 - Aug. 6
August 6
Tye Dye Fund with Susie
Bouchie Lake Rec. Grounds
Aug. 7 - Aug. 13
Aug. 14 - Aug. 20
August 20th
Family Picnic
Puntchesakut Lake
Aug. 21 - Aug. 27
Aug. 28 - Sept. 3
Sept. 4 - Sept. 10
Sept. 11 - Sept. 17
Sept. 17th
Claymine Trails
Meghan & Ike
Sept. 18 - Sept. 24
Sept. 25 - Oct. 1
October 1
Bouchie Lake Harvest Festival
Bouchie Lake Country Store
Heloise / Sarah
Oct. 2 - Oct. 8
Oct. 9 - Oct. 15
First Aid for Kids/
Tour of Fire Department |
Bouchie Lake Fire Hall
Chief Jeff Lefebvre / Terin Lefebvre
Oct. 16 - Oct. 22
Oct. 23 - Oct. 29
October 29
Meet Some Goats
Fisher's Farm
Robin Fisher
Oct. 30 - Nov. 5
October 31
Halloween / All Hallow’s Eve
Bouchie Lake Rec.
Bouchie Lake Country Store |
Nov. 6 - Nov. 12
Nov. 13 - Nov. 19
Nov. 20 - Nov. 26
Nov. 27 - Dec. 3
Dec. 4 - Dec. 10
Dec. 11 - Dec. 17
Dec. 18 - Dec. 24
Dec. 25 - Dec. 31
"Growing North Cariboo Food and Communities"
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