February 13, 2019
Dear community group
On behalf of the Partners for Healthier Communities: North Cariboo (P4HC: NC) we are reaching out to you, as community leaders and champions, to partner with us so workshops focused on “Growing North Cariboo Food and Community” can be held in and hosted by your community.February 13, 2019
Dear community group
In 2019, the P4HC: NC is planning to roll out Phase 4 of the Empowering Family Health Project. Although the project is primarily focused on our rural North Cariboo communities, it has been multi-faceted since it was initiated in 2016. The project has financially contributed to the establishment and enhancement of 4 School Gardens (Wells, Parkland, Barlow Creek, and Carson), provided support to the Bouchie Lake Community Food Garden, hosted multiple “local food related” workshops throughout the North Cariboo, and purchased 5 “Food Processing and Preservation Kits” for the following 5 communities: Barlow Creek, Bouchie Lake, Wells, Kersley, and Ten Mile Lake / Parkland. For additional information on the Empowering Family Health Project, go to http://empoweringfamilyhealth. blogspot.com/. Information on the P4HC:NC, can be found online at: https://farmed.ca/growing-nort h-cariboo-projects/
For 2019, the P4HC:NC would like to work with community groups, such as yours, so workshops can be scheduled and held in your community that meet the mandate of the “Empowering Family Health Project”. The P4HC:NC will provide support to your group by providing funding, if approved, through a Northern Health “Imagine Grant” and subsequently covering the costs of the workshops (e.g. presenter’s fee, venue rental, insurance) associated with the workshop. The presenter could be community member – someone with the knowledge and expertise. The P4HC:NC will also provide some administrative and promotional support. Your group would be responsible for promoting the workshop at the local level, taking registrations, setting a workshop fee (which your group could retain), and facilitating the workshop(s) in your community. We want to help your group build capacity at the local level by assisting you with connecting with residents in your community. By becoming more connected and engaged, it is proven that community resilience is increased. A resilient community is one that is better able to absorb disturbances and still retain basic function and structure. One way of building resilience is to be more food secure. Examples of workshops held to date and /or workshops participants have expressed an interest in taking in the future are as follows:
Dehydration, Pressure Canning, Foraging for Wild Foods, Root Cellaring, Cold Storage, Food Fermentation, and Cheese Making.
Dehydration, Pressure Canning, Foraging for Wild Foods, Root Cellaring, Cold Storage, Food Fermentation, and Cheese Making.
If your group is interested in partnering with us, please contact us by February 25th with the following information:
Name of Organisation
Contact Person:
Telephone / Email:
Workshop Topic of Interest:
Name of Organisation
Contact Person:
Telephone / Email:
Workshop Topic of Interest:
Thank you. We look forward to hearing from you. Please email us at empoweringfamilyhealth@gmail.com
Empowering Family Health
"Growing North Cariboo Food & Community"