Wednesday, 26 July 2017

I Eat Local because I Can!!!

The next set of Workshops coming our way are the Canning & Dehydration Workshops.  
These will be hands on... and will make for great engaging and educational experiences. The presenters of both of these workshops are very experienced and have been canning and dehydrating for many years. They are Maurice & Jean Hamel and Susie Myles respectively.
The Schedule for the classes is as follows:
Workshop #, Title, Date and Time (Location)
#3 - Dehydration, August 20th, 10 am - 1 pm (Cottonwood House Site)#4 - Canning, August 26th, 12 noon - 4 pm (Bouchie Lake Hall)
#5 - Dehydration, August 27th, 9:30 am - 12:30 pm (Parkland Comm. Centre)
#6 - Canning, August 27th, 1:30 - 5:30 pm (Barlow Creek Hall)
#7 - Dehydration, September 7th, 5:30 pm - 8:30 pm (Moose Meadows Farm)
#8 - Wild Foraging, September 9th, 2-4 pm (Moose Meadows Farm)
#9 - Dehydration, September 23rd, 9:30 - 12:30 pm (Kersley Hall)
#10 - Canning, September 23rd, 1:30 pm - 5:30 pm (Kersley Hall)
#11 - Canning; Date and Location to be announced!

Monday, 24 July 2017


Off we go for a stroll

What is a Weed?
plant whose virtues have never been discovered." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

The 2nd of 3 "Wild Foraging" Workshops occurred on Sunday, July 23rd at Moose Meadows Farm in Bouchie Lake.   13 people braved the weather ranging from sunshine to rain storms for a stroll about the farm in search of edible, wild plants.  Some folks travelled from afar with one person from Williams Lake and another from Prince George.  This workshop focused more on edible flowers, fruits and berries although the use of wild plants as vegetables was certainly discussed.  We were introduced to the term "Nummys" - the inside pith of a thimbleberry (Rubus parviflorus)...  something worth trying as it is said to be "Nummy".

Below is a list of the plants that are edible that grow on or close to Moose Meadows
Sampling Pineapple Weed


Over 30 edible plants grow at Moose Meadows Farm.  Many were sampled...

Birch (Paper) / Betula papyrifera
Burdock / Arctium lappa  ** 
Cattail / Thypha latifolia 
Chaga / Inonotus obliquus
Common Mallow / Malva neglectaCow Parsnip / Heracleum maximumCurrants / Ribes sp.
Dandelion / Taraxacum sp. 
Fiddleheads / Matteuccia struthiopteris
Fireweed / Chamerion angustifolium
Goldenrod / Solidago canadensis
Highbush Cranberry / Viburnum edule
Lamb’s Quarters / Chenopodium album
Lilac / Syringa vulgaris  **

Lingdon Berries / Vaccinium vitis-idaea
Oregon Grape / Mahonia nervosa
Ox-eye Daisy / Leucanthemum vulgare **
Picea sp./ Spruce
Pineapple Weed (Wild Camomile) / Matricaria discoidea
Plantain / Plantago major
Raspberry / Rubus idaeus
Red Clover / Trifolium pratense
Saskatoon / Amelanchier alnifolia
Stinging Nettle
Stinging Nettle / Urtica diocia
Strawberry / Fragaria virginiana
Thimbleberry / Rubus parviflorus
Wild Rose / Rosa Acicularis
Yarrow/ Achillea millefolium

** Non-indigenous / Invasive

Thank you to Sandrine Flament of Baker Creek for the wonderful photos of our stroll.

Next and final "Foraging Workshop" will be on September 9th.

Tuesday, 11 July 2017


The Workshop Schedule for the Empowering Family Health Project: Phase 2 has now been finalized.  A Registration Form can be downloaded under our WORKSHOPS page.

Here are a few notes to consider:

ii. All workshops must be pre-paid.  Payment is your registration.  Receipts will only be issued if requested.  
Workshop Fee is only $10.00 / person.
iii. Visa and MasterCard transactions will be processed through the Bouchie Lake Country Store.  If you wish to pay this way, payment can also be received over the phone to 250.249.0228 or 250.249.5329.
iv. Cash payments and by debit can be processed at the Bouchie Lake Country Store.
v. Cheques payable to “Growing North Cariboo Society”
vi. Workshop payments are non-refundable within one week of the workshop unless the workshop schedule is altered by Growing North Cariboo Society and /or their representatives.
(vii) Maximum number of persons for the Canning Workshops is 12 persons / workshop.
(viii) Another Canning workshop will be scheduled once we know uptake for all workshops. 

2017 Schedule of Workshop, Location and Date
Barlow Creek
Bouchie Lake
Food Preservation - Dehydration
September 7th, 5:30 pm -
8:30 pm
(Moose Meadows Farm)
Aug. 20th,
10 am -  1pm
(Cottonwood House Historic Site)
September 23rd
9:30 am-12:30 pm (9)
(Kersley Hall)
August 27th,
9:30 am - 12:30 pm (5)
(Parkland Community Centre)
Food Preservation - Canning
August 27th,
1:30 pm -  5:30 pm
(Barlow Creek Hall)
August 26th,
12 noon - 4 pm
(Bouchie Lake Hall)
September 23rd
1:30 pm - 5:30  pm
(Kersley Hall)
Wild Foraging 
June 17th,
1- 3 pm
July 23rd
1-3 pm
Sept. 9th
2-4 pm
(Moose Meadows Farm)